Wednesday, January 27, 2010

One World One Heart!

What a delight to be joining this awesome group of people who have participated in Lisa's One World One Heart giveaway since she started it in 2007.
Go to if you would like to read how to join in the fun too..

I have thought long and hard as to what to offer as my giveaway thinking what would someone else like that I have created. I make jewelry, but have a passion for painting sooooooooooooo I've decided to give up one of my 5x7 original whimsical paintings done with acrylic paints varnished and sealed, signed and dated.

leave your name, URL/or email addy for me to contact the winner!!! Good luck!
All entries should be here in my blog by noon EST on Feb 15th and I will have the winner posted here by 9pm that night...good luck.

Well I've decided to add a 2nd giveaway to honor this awesome One World Carpet ride event...I've chosen another original painting be me down with acrylics on 5x7 canvas board! Hope you like this one as well as the 1st~ Enjoy

I am no longer taking sign ups for OWOH giveaway...thanks so much for going in the fun and I will now find out the 2 winners and post it later this evening!!! "smile"


Theresa MacNaughton said...

Hello Bevie! It's a pleasure to meet you! What a lovely gift you are offering. I adore folk art - it's so whimsical and fun! :) Feel free to visit me and take a trip upon my Magic Carpet with me: (#263)

Sincerely, Theresa :)

Kit said...

I love prim! Please count me in and pop over to see me too.

Beth M said...

I love your painting. please enter me in your drawing. I'd love a chance to win it!

Flora said...

How sweet , please add me!!

Digital Misfit said...

Your painting is wonderful!
I am glad you decided to pursue your passion for paint for this event.
Thank you for hopping aboard this magic carpet ride. I hope you get a chance to visit my blog, #258 on your journey.
Hugs from ON, Canada

Dorthe said...

it is so very sweet, I love this kind of whimsicals. Please count me in, and please visit me on # 625

Unknown said...

Your artwork is so charming! Count me in!

Jodaeodesign said...

Your painting is so darling. Please include me in your drawing.

The Running Garlic said...

Wonderful giveaway! Please do include me in your drawing and thank you so much! #61

Nanbon44 said...

I love your painting and would love to be entered in the drawing. I could just see this hanging in my country dining romm

froebelsternchen said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win this amazing giveaway! Please enter my drawing. I'm #199 on the magic carpet!

hugs Susi from Vienna, Austria

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful painting...I would be honored to win.

Take care,

Love the blog.

Mademoiselle Julie said...

Great! I'd love to hang your piece on one of my many white walls (renting, blah). Cheers, Julie

Linda said...

Wonderful artwork, so sweet too,Linda:) Please enter me into the draw, and do come and visit at..

Everyday Kathy said...

Love it!
Thank you for a lovely stop on my magic carpet ride.
Outrageous joy,
Kathy over at Everyday Bliss
#111 on the blog tour!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous vintage look. thanks :O)

Pam Aries said...

I am partial to sheep as I am an Aries..haha. I love your work..please fly in to enter my OWOH giveaway if you like!

Sara said...

I love sheep - they are sweet...and cute...

What a cool giveaway. do drop by my blog - #16 on the list.

nhsarab at yahoo dot com

Janice said...

What a fabulous giveaway. Please enter me, thank you.

Tami said...

Beautiful sheep!!

Char said...

Wonderful painting!!! Please enter my name.

Come visit me at

Unknown said...

HI Mollye!
Thanks for offering such sweet candy!
Your painting is lovely!
You have an AWESOME blog!
I am now a follower. I would love it if you followed me too!
I am #458 on The "Carpet Ride".
Hope you will come check out my blog candy too!
You could win a high-end, handmade, artists greeting card plus surprise crafting goodies. I also have a $50.00 shopping spree to Embellish-Online blog candy going right now!
True :)

Debby said...

What a great giveaway, you are very talented.
Would love to be entered in your draw.

Susan said...

I am having so much fun discovering blogs, getting to know a little bit about my fellow bloggers and learning of their passions. Great painting! Please enter me in your drawing. Warmest regards, Susan (ticket #775 on the magic carpet ride)

Anonymous said...

hello there! what a beautiful prize - please enter me into the giveaway
feel free to fly on over to my blog here and i hope you enjoy your magic carpet ride :)

Nereashop said...

i love this paint very much!!!
Please enter me in the draw and don’t forget to enter mine.

OWOH #598
Monica from Italy

GlorV1 said...

Yes please do enter me in your drawing. I'm seeing a lot of people joining. That's a great giveaway. What a nice thought. Thanks. Take care.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the generous giveaway I would be thrilled to display your wonderful piece in my home

Paperfanatic said...

PLease count me in. i would love to win this. my blog is

Julie Ann said...

Such a beautiful painting! I just love the sheep :) Please count me in!

carylsrealm said...

Wonderful painting! Please include my name!

Flor Larios Art said...

Lovely painting ! thanks. Please come to my blog and participate in mine. #626

Amy said...

wow..your painting is magical! I love the whimsy heartfelt feeling..gorgeous artwork..thank you for sharing your talent. Hugs amy

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

this is fun! super giveaway! would love to win! please enter my name in your drawing.

Unknown said...

Oooooh, I love it! I love all things prim AND farm, so this is just wonderful to me! You are so talented! Please sign me up!

Unknown said...

I'm so happy you all have come to visit my blog, wish I had one of these paintings for each of you!!! Blessings, and have a great weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

just my style! i'll love having this :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the lovely opportunity! please visit my part of the ride too: #783

Julie Blanchette said...

Oh how wonderful Bevie! Thank you for visiting my blog! Please count me in on your generous offering...

Much love from Sydney, Australia...

Julie xxx

Jasmine said...

It is very generous of you to give away 5 original pieces of work. i know the time and love that goes into our creations xJ

WW said...

Very glamorous painting.
I’d love to be entered in your drawing. Stop by my blogs to be entered in mine.


zoan said...

what a cool painting :)

what a piece of art...

my email add is

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This painting is adorable. I love the subtle hearts in the background and the sheep in the foreground.

My OWOH # is 79.

Chris said...

Oh your painting is so lovely :D I would love to have it hanging on my wall.
Please enter me in your draw and thank you for stopping by on my magic carpet ride :D
Chris xx

Regina said...

Hi Bevie...thank you so much for stopping by my place for a visit. Come again!!!!

Your work is outstanding...please put my name in the hat.


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How pretty! I love your banner, too! Please enter my name and visit me soon, too! ♥

Diana S said...

cute painting! I like your background too.
Please PICK ME to win in your giveaway drawing! thank you.
I will back to visit after the event.

Knerten said...

thanks for the chance to win ! Pls stop ny me, maybe I could have something for you as well ? OWOH no 451.

Sherry Goodloe said...

Hi Bev! Nice . . . very nice give away for OWOH.

Thanks for stopping by and entering mine as well *smiles* This event is just sooooo much fun each year.

Gypsy said...

Wow Bevie! What a great opportunity! Thanks for doing this! :) HUGS

Arya said...

Such a lovely give-a-way...It's been a great carpet ride visiting the many participants this year. Thank you for making my journey a great one!

Kathy L said...


Thanks for visiting my blog. I love your style, and the giveaway is lovely. Please enter me and I definately need to come by for a longer stay!

Just Jenn Designz said...

Absolutely beautiful! Please enter my name into your fabulous drawing for a chance to win.

Also, I would love for you to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway - #548.

Sharon said...

Your painting is just delightful! Thank you for the chance to win. Come and check out my giveaway too. I'm #855

~*~Patty S said...

I am visiting you from Pat at Ooglebloops blog :)
I would Love the chance to be the lucky winner of your beautiful painting, it is lovely!
Thank you!

she dreams big! said...

Thanks for entering my OWOH giveaway! Now, how about signing me up for yours! Original artwork - amazing! Thanks for the chance to win! (#652)

pinkglitterfae said...

Bevie I adore folk art! this painting of yours is so sweet, I would love to hang it in my home. Thanks for adding me to your giveaway!
(I could have sworn I was following your blog already...or maybe I subscribed to the feed? anyway, I'm correcting the problem now, lol! I like to keep up with my blogging friends.

Hope your enjoying the OWOH event
betty # 650

Sue said...

Your painting is fabulous! Please include me in your drawing for this wonderful giveaway!


#162 on OWOH

CreativSpirit said...

I would love to be included in the draw for your lovely painting, love your blog and I will be back to take a further look around.
Please also come visit me, I am #70 on the Magic Carpet Ride and enter in my draw. Great meeting you. Enjoy the ride,


Shona Cole said...

count me in! I love this painting. thanks for stopping my blog


Martha from ilove2paint said...

Add me! Very nice painting, I hope I get lucky! Thanks for stopping at my blog earlier, isnt this a great event??
#317 in the list

Anonymous said...

Beautiful painting! Please count me in :)

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

What a beautiful painting!!! I would love to be the winner! Please include me and come enter my giveaway too!

(#185 A Vintage Cottage Home)

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

Hi Bevie, what a lovely idea and post you have. I love the gorgeous painting. I'd love to win. I absolutely love your gifts. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I'm working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your's too.


Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

Cute painting! And thanks for coming by and entering my giveaway :)

Lovey said...

Oh what a wonderful prize to be held. I love that you are giving this as a gift of love from your heart! I can tell..thanks so much for such a nice giveaway! Lovey...and thank you for your kind words on #186...makes me smile...

DVArtist said...

This is a great giveaway please count me in.

#350 on the magic carpet ride

elaine r said...

Your painting is beautiful-such talent!

Elaine R

Holly said...

Hi from Minnesota.
What a fabulous giveaway! Your painting is wonderful! Thanks for the chance! (I'm #811)

BeadedTail said...

Such a beautiful painting! Thank you for the opportunity to win this wonderful prize!

Marianne said...

Hello from Utah! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog!
I love your painting! Please count me in on your drawing!
Have a great day!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

well, you know i love your paintings so of course i'd be thrilled to win this one!

Tina Leavy said...

what a great giveaway. thanks so much for the opportunity to enter the drawing. so delighted to meet you through this event. I hope you'll stop by my blog as well.

Unknown said...

Donna I do know about arthritis have both bros...and right now it's been really bad..(((gentle hugs))) Now you are signed up for both paintings..

The Feathered Snail said...

Thanks for mentioning this on AFA, Bevie! You know I adore you work so please enter me!
Rachel - nothing there yet but I hope to post soon :)
sunswirlgirl at aol dot com

Beverley Baird said...

What lovely paintings - great giveaways! Please include me in your draw.

Unknown said...

What beautiful paintings! Please count me in! Hugs Rowena

Sam said...

what great pictures, I am quite sure I could find the perfect spot for them in my little house!!

Wanda Maria said...

Greetings from NW Arkansas! Please enter me into your fantastic drawing and be sure to stop by my blog for a chance to win, too. #56

Brianna said...

What a fantastic giveaway! Please enter me into your drawing. I hope I win! :]

Carole Burant said...

Oh yes, please enter me in your lovely giveaway, I would so love to win one of your delightful paintings!! If you haven't already, make sure you come by and enter mine as well, I'm #116. Thank you:-) xox

Anonymous said...

Followed your link from atcsforall. Love your paintings!

Ellen said...

gorgeous give aways I specially like the top painting such a great scenery

please count me in

my magic carpet number is # 397

Marie S said...

The paintings are charming Bevie, please count me in.
When you get some time, please fly by my blog on your magic carpet, I am OWOH #907.
Thank you much for participaitn in OWOH.
It is so very very nice to meet you.

Antonella said...

Your prints are great! Please enter me for a chance, when you get a chance please stop by #234 on the magic carpet when you get a chance.
Hugs, antonella :-)

Jessica said...

Both of your paintings are wonderful! I adore them. :) Please enter me for a chance to win!

snowpumpkin @ gmail . com
#917 on the magic carpet ride

Unknown said...

Just wanted to let you all know these painting or originals not prints!!
signed and dated on the back!! Good luck!!!

Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

how generous of you ...beautiful work bev...hope 2 win...

angelandspot said...

You do beautiful work. I really like the first one with the sheep in it because I love sheep. I have 3 pet sheep. angelandspot(at)

Peggy said...

Charming and a beautiful blog with a stunning treasure!
My first year with OWOH and I love visiting all the amazing blogs! I am flying on my magic carpet ,visiting from Connecticut.
Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
I am blog #937

JaN's ArTy JouRneY said...

Wow, what a stunning giveaway!!
Your artwork is awesome!
Off to have another look at your fabby blog!
You are welcome to visit my Blog and enter my giveaway. #1041
Jan x

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just love your paintings, they are just beautiful!! Both of them! So, please, sign me up for them. Thanks a lot. Kind regards, Jutta from Germany

Nancy Malay said...

I'd love to be entered in your giveaway !!
Please stop by my blog to be entered in my drawing - I'm #419 on the Magic Carpet Ride.

Thanks, Nancy

s hyler said...

I would love to be included in your drawing.

ozlynda said...

Hello Bevie from Victoria, Australia.
Although I really like the jewelery you make, your paintings are also lovely and I would love to win one especially the winter scene.
Please enter me into the draw.
Thanks Lynda

Ria said...

Dear Bevie....
Your paintings are just beautiful! And I love your pic at Christmas. Surely happy pic :)
Please count me in...
And do pop by my home to see what I put on my magic carpet!*wink
I am no.950.

Have a safe ride,'s quite far! :)

Amber said...

So beautiful - please enter me!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Hi Bevie! Your giveaway is fabulous! I would love the chance to win. Please add my name to your drawing. Thanks so much for your sweet visit! Lisa :)

Susan said...

nice blog (now following)

Lovely and lively giveaways! I especially love the winter scene :)

Please toss my name in the hat!

I am NEW to blogging ( but not to art.

Come visit me #1089

Greetings from the New Jersey Shore, USA

Jona Panesa said...

wow these are lovely paintings! Please enter me in your drawing and stop by my blog for my ATC giveaway! youch17(at)yahoo(dot)com

LYNDY WARD said...

Greetings & Salutations,
Enchanting Winter Painting OWOH Giveaways!
Lovely Work & Blog.

For a little Glitter & Magic fly by my blog
#242 On The List @:

Cosmic Blessings´¨)
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Lyndy Ward

Tumbleweed Trails said...

Your paintings are amazing. Love them both. You did such a wonderful job. I would love a chance to win. Please add my name to your drawing! Thanks for participating in the OWOH event.

visionquest2020 (at) msn (dot) com

Gracie "Neky White" said...

Great giveaway! Your art is stunning! Please count me in.
Come to enter my giveaway if you haven't already (i'm #481) =D

Let's continue the ride on the magic carpet!

Amanda31Gifts said...

I would love to win one of your pictures! Please enter me in your giveaway, thanks! Amanda

Please visit me at #1031, *thank you!*

Snap said...

Your paintings are wonderful! I'd be delighted to give one a home! I promise to love it and take good care of it. Thank you!

pippirose said...

Fantastic artwork!
I'd love the chance to enter.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

AngieHallHaviland said...

Hi Beverly!!!! FABULOUS offerings!! Please enter my name in your drawing :) What a FUN event...enjoy the ride!!

Angie--Southeast, Texas #57

Joaniebolognie said...

such beautiful painting! I love both of them! Thanks for the chance! grab your carpet and stop by my blog...#792

Kate said...

Whoosh!! Coming in for landing! happy to meet you Beverly! Your painting is fantastic! I love trees and sheep especially! Beautiful!
I Hope you have a chance to stop by my blog on your trip around the world. I am having 9 giveaways!

Can't stay long but I will be back to delve deeper into your world! Please count me in!

Enjoy your magic Carpet ride!
Kate ~ Organic Odysseys Ticket number #1007 OWOH

Einschies blog said...

Love these...simply beautiful,-))


Catherine said...

I would love to win one of your giveaways! Beautiful work !! Thank you for stopping by my blog! :) I am following you now too. I still have so many places to visit!! Blessings, Cat

Sugar and Spice Art Confections said...

Love your paintings! Thank you for your generosity. I am #833 on the list, if you would like to swoop in for a wee visit. I hope you are having lots of fun!
Rebecca in CT. USA

mitz said...

this is ** art-tastic** thanks for the
opportunities.. .. t c

artbeckons said...

great giveaway - please count me in! thanks for stopping by my blog today =)

Michaele Sommerville said...

Bevie, your art is homespun PERFECT!

Hope you've been able to drop by my giveaway too:

Michaele (michaelek1(at)yahoo(dot)com)

Laurie said...

Your original art giveaways are incredibly generous and whimsical. I would love to win one! Thank you for the chance! I hope you'll come by my blog and enter my giveaway, #95!

Have fun riding the magic carpet!

Trayna said...

Lovely paintings - I would love a chance to win please. Thank you for your generosity. Come see me at #1050.

Anji Gallanos said...

Fantastic giveaway. I would love a chance to win. Please enter me.


Darcey said...

I love these paintings. They look like the home I wish to have in the country!

I'm so happy that OWOH brought me to your blog! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway.

If you still have time, stop by my blogs

Regina said...

Hi there! I enjoyed taking a peek at your blog. Your paintings are wonderful. What a great giveaway you have. Count me in.

Regina :>

VintageCrafter said...

Your work is brilliant! I love your giveaway!
Count me in!

Mickey said...

How pretty. I would love to be entered into you drawing. So glad OWOH brought me to your blog. :-)


Connie said...

terrific paintings! please enter me in your giveaway!

calej said...

Hi Bevie! I'd be honored to win this beautiful painting! :)

Christina from Manila, Philippines here! Nice to meet you!

I hope you can also drop by #615!

♥ Blessings! ♥

Bibi said...

How gorgeous! I particularly love that snow scene. I LOVE snow, eventhough I don't get any of it here in Perth, Australia, lol. Love the blue and yellow of your blog too.

Maya said...

What a great give-away event, please count me in!

Greetings from the Netherlands.

janil said...

Lovely art!
please, pick me up!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

So nice to meet you.

Would love to win your giveaway, if I am not too late. Thanks for the chance. I'd love for you to stop by and visit my blog and enter my giveaway if you have time. Closes at 12 noon Feb 15th.

The Purple Lady
magic carpet #460
Southern Illinois, USA

Lisa Gatz said...

I love your giveaway! Please enter my name in your drawing. Thanks!

Deborah said...

Hope I am not too late. So generous of you to give up one of your gorgeous paintings. Please enter me in your giveaway. I am no. 26 on the Magic Carpet Ride.

Teresa aka Tess said...

YOu are a wonderful painter. LOve the offerings, please count me in,
Teresa aka Tess

arlette said...

I'd love to win one of your paintings

arlette said...

I'd love to have one of your paintings

area rugs cheap said...

These all paintings are really amazing i likes these all. Your collection is awesome. Thanks for the sharing this.

Mary's awesome blog

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