Most of you know Pam Carriker who is not only an awesome artist, but a teacher of awesome classes, and wonderful mom and wife...she has great compassion for those suffering with breast cancer as it's hit close to home. A family member has been suffering with it so she's doing something to make a difference. You can go to her ETSY shop via http://www.thebagladysart.etsy.com/
and find this beautiful print of a painting she did so she could not only give us a beautiful creation by her which in of it's self is a real treat, but the procedes of the sales are going to Breast Cancer Recearch...how awesome it that??? You know I think I'm going to do one as well (not nearly as gorgeous as Pam's, but I feel we all could do our part to help find a cure for this horrific disease!!! Will post mine in a couple days!!!
Don't for get to get yours!!!!
You are a trooper Bev. Good for you and how wonderful your friend is. Take care.
Hi Dear Bevie,
I hope you are doing wonderful today..
Please come to my blog for a very special surprise!
Hugs, Darlene ox
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