Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Oh What a Beautiful Morn-ning!

We woke to the most beautiful morning with temps in the low 70's and a promise for a less humid, and temps in the 80's all day long!!  Perfect wouldn't you say?  I was up at 4:30 with way too much pain in my lower back and right hip...yep I did too much weeding in the front flowerbed yesterday.  Something I know I shouldn't do, but do I listen to my body? NO...and I suffer the consequences. 
Much like when I take matters in my own hands not waiting to God's guidance!  I pray constantly for more patience, but we all know we are given more things to be patient about don't we? 
My prayers continue to be with those who were shot at the Theater in Colorado..and all the families of those who didn't survive.  We are experiencing so much suffering all over the world by people who have let Satin take over their lives in one way or another..we must pray for those who lose contact with reality!
Praise be to God for HIS guidance,peace and grace!!!

'Dark Knight' star Christian Bale visits shooting victims

'Dark Knight' star Christian Bale visits shooting victims

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Artists are leaving their are for people to find

There's a group in Facebook called, " Art Abandonment" and for the past month or so many artists & Artisans all over the country are leaving items in trees or well actually just about anywhere people visit...restaurants, libraries, restrooms, and all kinds of shops.  It depends on what you create...I love leaving little ATCs or 4x4s and am about to start leaving jewelry too!!!  If you want to join in don't hesitate to come visit us on Facebook...just search  Art Abandonment Group!!!
Well, I tried to add some photos of some, but it's not being nice today!!!  Will post later or tomorrow..

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I"m having a Giveaway!!!

I thought I'd have a little Giveaway !!! 
My very first so hurry, and leave me a comment then go to your blog and share this info to others!

"Roses are Brass"

Ok this will start today 071012
and go thru to the end of the month.
I will draw a name from those who participate on July 30th then list the winners name here on July 31st.
Bloggers let the fun begin!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Having a great day!

Things have finally settled down, and I'm truly feeling great!!!  I've gotten so much done the past couple days and it feels really good to get organized.  Isn't that always the way?  Seems if we get off course we feel dissatisfied with ourselves...hummm it's the same when we get off course with our daily walk and talk with God.  He's always listening to us, but I know I don't always take the time to give back.  I think that's why my life gets off wack how about you?  If I don't get into HIS work and pray early in the morning, my day just doesn't feel the same...there's something missing.
 Here are a couple things I've created...oh and there is a group on FB called Art Abandonment Group where many Artists and Artisans all over the country are leaving ATCs and other items around town as a Gift to anyone that finds it...I'm loving participating too. These are some I'm leaving around town. Blessings to all, and have a wonderful 4th of July~~
Some ATCs ready for Abandonment

Fun little brass leverback earrings

BIG black metal pendant with onyx & glass silver pearls
I sure need to color my hair..ehehehe

Lovely carnelian beads and freshwater pearls

size 8 SS with black onyx & turquoise beads

size 9 SS ring with Carnelian bead & swarovski crystals

Silver hoops with Swarovski crystals and turquoise beads
wrapped with SS

Love this size 9 SS with aventurine bead

size 9 SS & greenish, rectangle, turquoise bead

Monday, July 2, 2012

Thanks be to God we made it thru the last couple days

I think it was Thursday things started to happen..I was having problems with my back (ole' back isn't want it used to be) Dewey took me to Urgent Care where we sat for an hr before being seen....The dr was straight forward in saying with discs that are degenerating the main thing was to determine if there is any neurological problems going on....there wasn't.  he wrote a perscription for Predisone and after taking the first 6 pills the back started to settle down!! sigh!!!
I can't remember if it was Thursday night or Friday that we lost all power to the house do to a serve storm that downed many trees all over the area...reached down to Cities all around us too.  Many are still without power today...and will be for 5 or 6 more days.   We borrowed some fans from our daughter, and a generator was offered by a neighbor (that needed fixing before we could us it).  We couldn't save the frozen foods...another sigh...
Worst of all the poor pugs (can't take high heat or cold) were panting so much their tongues were blue.  Finally we had to take them out in the truck and drive around with the air on.  It helped some, but as soon as we got back in the house they were panting hard again...we did it a couple times...I have to digress here as we didn't get the fans or generator till later in the evening..dah!!
Any whoooo we got into bed all stinky and hot hoping to get some sleep as we are totally exhausted.   Around 1 am in the morning we heard the air come on...Yeppie another blessings!!!  I have to ya (most of you already know) that was 2 very hard days!!
Now for the more positive news...I was able to created some new paintings during those 2 days too!  Here are some photos of some...Blessings to all and am praying that if you've been through rough times do to weather or anything else that you are doing better now...(((hugs)))

Glass Pearls with Aventurine beads
Earrings to match

Large Green faceted beads with SS beads
Earrings to match

Closeup of Pendant

Handcrafted/wired red & black pendant
done with Copper wire

Hand crocheted red white & blue necklace with SS

love brass necklace

8x10 Acrylic painting framed

8x10 acrylic painting framed

11x14 canvasboard

8x10 acrylic painting

5x7 acrylic painting

5x7 acrylic painting

Monday, June 25, 2012

Just stopped by to share some jewelry with you

Gee two days in a row!!!  If you'd been with me as I did my chores you probably would have been surprised I found time to even get online..eehehe!!!  I've created some new rings and a couple necklaces, changed the sheets on our bed, cleaned the floors, all the while working on 3 loads of clothes.  The comforter is just about dry....and will smell so good as I put it out on the deck rail in the breezy air...what a lovely day...we did have a little storm early this morning, then the sun came out and the winds started up...I've had both doors open as it's been really comfy!!!
Now to get back to vacuuming the rugs, and start dinner!

Hope you all have had a great day too.  If you are in the path of the bad weather down in Florida do take care and stay safe...we have one sister living in Lady Lakes..but she doesn't have a computer.  Can you imagine anyone without one???  hehehehe

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