Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How is your day going?

Well we celebrated our 30th Wedding Anniversary yesterday...starting with a nice ride in the Country...then off to one of the best Seafood Buffets in the area.  Crab Legs were on the top of our list then of couse some steamed shrimp and their awesome Talapia with Cranberry sauce.  A little of this and that finished off my meal...leaving no room for dessert.  An hours ride back home found us both tired and ready to take a little walk.  

I'm getting all excited about the upcoming Craft Show August 25th and think I have everything organized just need to do some more pricing...Then I can rest and concentrate on things that need doing here at home! 

My daughter, April and her family are giving a cookout this weekend for an old friend who is coming to visit.  He expressed the desire to have MY Meatballs so that's what I'm fixing.  Perhaps a cake of somekind might be in order too...we'll see.  hehehe!!

Here are a couple photos of some jewelry done recently...take care and know you are thought of and loved not only by me, but by the ONE WHO LOVES US BEST!!!!


Friday, August 3, 2012

What a wonderful feeling!!!

Good morning! I've already been out visiting my dear friend, Diane Starkey and enjoyed a cup of coffee with her.  She's such a sweet lady, and I've know her since I think itwas 1995 when I hired on with Access Independence, a non-profit organization in Winchester who help all those with disabilities. 
I wanted to share with you all that I had "the" shot in my lower back/hip for all the pain I've been in for way too long...I knew the numbing meds would help for a time, but since I had that shop on Weds, I haven't had a bit of pain.  No kidding I had no idea it would work that fast.  Praise the Lord for His constant presence in my Life...
Will add some photos of new jewelry later today!!!
Blessings to all those who suffer with chronic pain..(((gentlehugs)))

I've drawn a new winner

Since I haven't heard from Lily I decided to draw a new winner.....and it's   Crimson Leaves..congratulation dear...hope you like it...just email me with your address and I'll get it off tomorrow!!!

Monday, July 30, 2012

And the winner of the Giveaway is.........

Drum roll,
and the winner is.....Lily from Beading Passion by Lily...congrats dear I will go post on your Blog in a few mins...but first I want to share with you how I picked the winner...

Blessings to all who entered...I will have another Giveaway soon!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Oh What a Beautiful Morn-ning!

We woke to the most beautiful morning with temps in the low 70's and a promise for a less humid, and temps in the 80's all day long!!  Perfect wouldn't you say?  I was up at 4:30 with way too much pain in my lower back and right hip...yep I did too much weeding in the front flowerbed yesterday.  Something I know I shouldn't do, but do I listen to my body? NO...and I suffer the consequences. 
Much like when I take matters in my own hands not waiting to God's guidance!  I pray constantly for more patience, but we all know we are given more things to be patient about don't we? 
My prayers continue to be with those who were shot at the Theater in Colorado..and all the families of those who didn't survive.  We are experiencing so much suffering all over the world by people who have let Satin take over their lives in one way or another..we must pray for those who lose contact with reality!
Praise be to God for HIS guidance,peace and grace!!!

'Dark Knight' star Christian Bale visits shooting victims

'Dark Knight' star Christian Bale visits shooting victims

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Artists are leaving their are for people to find

There's a group in Facebook called, " Art Abandonment" and for the past month or so many artists & Artisans all over the country are leaving items in trees or well actually just about anywhere people visit...restaurants, libraries, restrooms, and all kinds of shops.  It depends on what you create...I love leaving little ATCs or 4x4s and am about to start leaving jewelry too!!!  If you want to join in don't hesitate to come visit us on Facebook...just search  Art Abandonment Group!!!
Well, I tried to add some photos of some, but it's not being nice today!!!  Will post later or tomorrow..

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