WELLLLL, yesterday I joined that Church for I've found the members to be loving children of God who share that love with each other and me too!!! My way of thinking is it really doesn't matter which denomonation we belong to it's the fellowship with others that counts...Bible Believing Churches who believe in sharing the Gospel with all those we come into contact with, as well as sharing what God has blessed us with along the way. We are to help those we see are in need...isn't it awesome when we reach out to give a little something to others how it not only helps them, but it makes our hearts sing too? Soooo I have painting a little painting of a cross in memorance of my joining!!! May we all reach out to help those in need for God will provide a way for us to do just that!!!
Have a wonderful week my friends waking early to have your quiet time with God...that has become the most precious time for me!!!!