Monday, November 19, 2012

I feel so blessed!

Well my sister posted about some questions she'd been asking herself, and it made me stop and take a look at how I would answer them.  I think the gist of what she was asking herself was "am I doing the things I'm doing i.e. blogging,creating art, journaling etc for my own gratification or to get the kudos from all those who come by to see. First of all I believe she has a truly awesome heart and just about everything she does is with God's grace in mind.  If she wasn't sharing her work, and love for the Lord in her blog, and yes in all that she does then many people would miss out on what she has to offer.  When I say she has a true heart I mean she doesn't post to get recognition for herself. I believe God has been using her for HIS good...that being said I am sharing her blog here again just in case you haven't visited yet...

I'm feeling so blessed cuz God has given be the love of so many things, and expressing myself in my paintings is one.  Sometimes satan gets hold of us when we are feeling down because of so many reasons, me it pain....but we have the Armor of God's word to keep us out of satan's grasp, right?  That's why I feel so blessed!!  Going to sleep with HIM on my mind, and waking to thanking HIM for another day, and praying with thanksgiving throughout the day keeps my mind and heart on my Heavenly Father!  How could I not feel blessed, do you feel that way? 
Now I want to share a couple new painting I've done recently...painting old barns gives me such joy...I think in the future I'm going to take photos of local barns and old houses and do research on them to share after finishing the paintings.......
This 8x10 has sold

This old barn painting has sold

Love this 12x24 canvas painting

This one sold too.

I finished this one yesterday after Church

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


We woke to temps in the teens this morning as we left the house at 6am to go vote.  We didn't have to wait long as there weren't many people there yet. 
This morning as I looked outside I thought at first we had gotten some snow....but it was just a heavy frost.  The weather report perdicts some snow tomorrow tho.  How about you all, have you had snow yet?  I've been painting some and making some darling little Christmas Angel earrings to give at Church...actually will list some in my Etsy shop as well for just $3.00 a pair. 
11x13 acrylic old barn painting 110512

8x10 lighthouse painting framed 110512
Here some of the earrings I've made during the past week...gave every lady at Church at least one pair...most 2 pair to share...we gave our Community Thanksgiving Dinner on the 3rd...It's wonderful when you see families coming together to eat at the Church...we will be doing some Christmas Baskets.   We've also been collecting little trinkets over the past few months to give to one of the Nursing Homes in our area...then those who want to can pick items to give as gifts either there or even family members!!!  I wasn't able to get lap blankets done in time like last year...but there's going to be plenty of trinkets for all to share!!!
Wishing everyone a wonderful day and a blessed week...for those in the way of this next storm, I pray you will be save and kept warm!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Praying for those in Harms Way!

Good morning friends, my heart goes out to all those who were in "Sandy's path of distruction. It's unbelievable seeing all those struggling knowing they must start all over.  We only had a couple more trees fall into our fence, but we can fix this not like those who are worrying about going on with their lives~ we can help by making donations no matter how little...just think if everyone could only donate a dollar...think about it.  We all know how powerful prayer thoughts are full of prayers for all those in need! 
2 fallen trees during "Sandy"

                                                            1 tree that fell several months ago

I wanted to share a couple photos of the snow that fell on the mountains near us during the storm.
Well I'm going to close now as our Church is having our annual Thanksgiving Dinner for the Community this afternoon.  Since I can't drive, stand much I will sit and help out the best I can!
Yes, I forgot to update info about my hip replacement.  Went to see our Infection Disease Dr yesterday, and got all the perscriptions for the wash, antibiotic and a couple other things I need to do before the surgery.  Seems I have a staff infection like before, but this time I also need to have a tooth pulled as well. Gurrrr.  I wonder if God is telling me to hold off on the hip surgery till after the Holidays...could be..ehheh  hummmm.
I continue to pray for all those who are suffering so...believing in God's promises gives me comfort I hope it does you too!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Big sun rising

Good morning folks....I captured this awesome sun rising this morning.  It's already taken the chill off and promises to bring a beautiful day!

Had a great visit over the phone with my dear sister, Mary who if you don't know already was featured in Art Journaling by Sumeret Studio (pgs 50 through 57 and comment on pg 88.  Hope you enjoyed her awesome journaling and tip as well.

Heres a photo taken of a rose still blooming out front.  You can actually see the dew on their petals.
These beautiful Bluebirds are nesting in this Apple birdhouse again this year!
Do check out Mary's amazing Blog
Blessings to all who are struggling with all kinds of issues, knowing that God is in total control!
His timing is perfect so don't fret because everything HE does is for our good. 
Have an awesome day, and stay strong in God's word...

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Another Craft Shop yesterday!!!

Yep, I was feeling well enough to set up at another Craft Show this time at a Church near home.  So happy to meet all the great ladies who kept this Show running smoothly!   Angie not only is a member there, but also attends my Church with her husband every Sunday before attending her Church. Our Church lets out at 10:30 and her's starts at 11:00 so next week I'm going to join her...
I did very well selling not only jewelry, but some paintings and knitted scarves.  I just want to say, Prayer is so Powerful....for the past 3 wks things have been almost to a stand still at my hubby's shop, but God does always provide for our needs...I made enough to get our groceries for the week...Praise be to God...
Here are a couple photos of the sale...
This little guy is the son of the gal in purple..we used to work together
He loved his hat and scarf!

Cute,,,,the table holds my jewelry

some people looking for something!

Had to show you the sunrise I captured on the way to the Sale

Just awesome - Shangrala's Akiane Child Prodigy! - Shangrala's Akiane Child Prodigy!
This young girl is awesome, and her love for God is most important to her!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Life has sure been busy lately

So many things have taken a front seat the past few weeks, but most important was going into surgery for a Hysteroscopy and D&C yesterday....for the last month I've know the doctor doing the surgery was about 97% sure I had ovarian cancer!  Whatever was found I know God would give us the strength to handle it.  There was this awesome peace way down deep inside be that only God could give, and we all know Prayer is Power!!!  Am happy to say the dr was wrong!! He did find Polyps and took them all out.  Yay...God peace and grace outshines anything!!!  I"m home resting some for I think they took my old legs and tied them in a hips feel like that's what happened..hehehehe!!! 

I have many scriptures from the Bible I love,  but the one my friend, Nancy Williamson from  "Footprints from the Potter's Home"  My sweet sister, Mary went to one of their awesome retreats several years ago...and at the end we all sat around the big bondfire after the sun went down...what an awesome feeling came over me that night...I could feel God's presence and knew these girls were being used my HIM.  I was given a scripture from them that I really needed...because of things in my past it really spoke to my heart...made me realize that the past must be delt with then left the past...oh we never forget, but we need to put those "bad" feelings about ourselves behind us to leave room for all the things God has for us in the future...I totally believe I have and am so very thankful~~~  this scripture I've shared before, but am going to do so again...for it's as much a part of me as the Lord's Prayer!!  This was on my lips as I was put to sleep for my surgery....and I woke with them in my Heart!!!

Peace I leave with you,
my peace I give unto you:
 not as the world giveth,
give I unto you. 
Let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid.

John 14:27

this is for everyone who believes Jesus died on the Cross at Calvary for all our Sins. Putting all that is written in the Bible into practice in your lives as you try to be more like day our Lord will come again and I honestly pray it's in my time...what a glorious sighting that would be...I pray that those who have heard the truth, but haven't accepted HIM as their Lord and Saviour make that decision now, accept that free gift!

Look what an awesome place for a Retreat!!!


Friday, September 14, 2012

Studio Tricot Ara

Studio Tricot Ara
If you love knitting and/or crocheting then don't miss this awesome sale!!!

Mary's awesome blog

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