The rules connected with receiving this lovely award are:
1. The winner many put the logo on their blog by right clicking on the image, copy then pasat to your blog post.
2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award
3. Nominate 10 blogs
4. Put a link to their blogs
5. Leave a message for your nominee's
Blogs that make me SMILE........
When I go to June's blog it makes me Smile for it's so beautiful.
Here you will find a wonderful gal named Julie-Ann. She makes me Smile whenever and wherever I see her.
Seeing all the awesome things Shelly has to share with us makes me Smile big time!
Visting Cathy's blog always puts a mile on my face! She's a real sweetie!
I wanted to add this bloz cuz Pat Winters has been the guiding force behind the Comfort Doll Project. Women all over the World make them then send them to Pat who makes sure they are sent to various "Shelters for Battered Women" all over the world. She's beautiful inside and out that's why she makes me smile!!
This blog belongs to my sweet friend, Aimee Wheaton whom I'm sure most of you know, and love her sweet spirit, and makes you smile too when you visit her lovely blog.
Oh you have to visit Diane's blog to see all her precious little people who's faces make me smile all the time!
Gloria makes me smile when I visit her blog seeing how she loves all those who come to visit too. I can count on her coming to my blog to cheer me on!
You'll have a big smile on your face once you've visited Maryann's blog. I smile as I read all the wonderful recipes she shares with us all.
Last, but not least by any means is Mystele's lovely blog. I always have a smile on my face when I visit there seeing all the magnificate creations she shares, and because she shares how she does them in videos. Such a special person!!!
Now girls come pick up your award, you deserve it!!!