Monday, February 16, 2009

Much to my surprise...

Many of us had the pleasure of taking the Journalism 101 class with Pam Carriker. From the very beginning we knew this class was not only gonna be filled with awesome tips and techniques, but we were instantly aware Pam had this great way of making us feel very much at ease. She used video, script and visual pages to show each step, and I for one came away with the knowledge that I could really create a great page.

Pam asked each of us to comment on how we thought the class went, and if there were any suggestions as to how she could improve on it..NOT!! She said she would ramdomly pick one person from those who left a comment a free pass for the *Shades of Grey* class coming up. Oh how I wanted to take that class but just couldn't justify spending the money right now. Image my surprise when Pam emailed me to let me know I won that free pass. I went running into the other room to share this great news with my hubby who was very happy for me!

Many of you who visit my blog know my sweet sister,Mary. I emailed her with the good news before heading off to bed. Today I received an email from her asking me when the class would start. I emailed her back and told I wasn't sure. Well she found out, AND told me not to worry about purchasing any of the supplies needed for the class cuz she's already contacted Gil, and ordered everything for me. There I was sitting at my puter. tears streaming down my face as I tried to type. I just don't know how to thank her for caring so much!! She is indeed the wonderful, sweet,caring woman you all have come to know here.

I'm gonna close by saying I pray for all those who have expressed the need, and for those I've met here too. God knows your needs. Do go about your tomorrow with love in your heart and a song on your tongue...give a greeting and a smile to those you happen to meet in your travels for you never know if it could just be what someone needed at that very moment. I thank you for coming to see my blog and if you need to talk just contact me...(((Hugs)))

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I had a dream

I don't usually write about dreams, but last night I woke from one in which I was a cat...yep, that's what I said, a cat!! A huge beautiful calico cat with green eyes...hummm...I wonder if that's because mine are greenish!! Anyway in this dream I was running in the woods trying to get away from a big, gruffy dog! Now I was home on the porch curled up in my little blankie catching some ZZZZZs when this big dog we shall call WOLF came up the steps sniffing all around...out of one eye I could see him coming closer and closer to me. I jumped just in time to escape his wide open jaws!!! Over the rail of the deck I jumped running as fast as lightening...surely he couldn't cat me I thought. Now, 10 minutes later I stop in my tracks cuz I've come to a fork in the road...hummm..which one should I take I thought. My intuition told me to take the road on the left as it would lead to the big barn on my owners property, but my mind said take the right cuz it will take you to the highway. I woke just as I started off on .......................................................................................................................................................................

The left path. See I'd had this dream before where I'd taken the road to the right, and ended up in traffic so thick it was a wonder I got back home at all!!! The left path took me back to the barn on our property where I'd find my owner feeding the cows. He always loved seeing me earling in the morning, and would squirt milk in my mouth!!

See it's like people...we come to a path in life where we aren't quite sure which way to go. Do we listen to what we THINK we should do, or do we stop and pray about it first. Listening to the whisper of God is sometimes not what we do is it??? I know I haven't always done that...but of late I've realized the only way to be sure of what God wants for me is to pray about it and WAIT for an answer!!! I'm thinking it's ok to take tiny steps in the right direction rather than taking huge steps backwards...what do you think???
Blessings for a bright and loving day!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Comfort Dolls

These are the comfort dolls I've made and sent to Pat Winters if anyone wants to join in this all year round project just click the Doll Icon and it will take you right to the site!!! Take a peek around there!!!

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