Monday, September 10, 2012

Our Annual Sams Family Reunion

We so enjoy meeting up with Dewey's bros and sisters and their extended families.  Dewey and I decided to take Rt 42 up to Goshen, VA because there's so much more to see...well what should have taken us 3 hrs ended up taking a little over 4.  I sure was good to see all the smiling faces when we arrived.  Our son, Lee and his 2 kids were already there as well.   There was so much food (as usual) and they were happy to see I did my meatballs again this year.  The expected rains didn't hold off as long as they were supposed to...we were hit with a down pour at 3 so everyone decided to pack up and head home.  Took us another 4+ hrs to get back home.  Not a trip we should make all in one day wouldn't you say?  
Some photos of new jewelry created last week.  Blessings!!


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Loving creating new paintings of old barns

I've had a very busy week painting and organizing things for the show I'm going to be in August excited about it...I want to show a couple of the barns and other paintings I've do, but also wanted to share some of the photos I took on Sunday after Church...we had to go to Dewey's bro's to take him a tool he I rode along to visit his wife, Debbie...such a very special person, artist in her own right.  It did rain most of the way down, and all the way back then when we got into Cross Junction the sun came out!!!  Yes!!!

Had a great show on Sat

Good morning! How was your weekend?  The much anticipated Craft Show at Access Independence, a center for Independent living.  I wanted to share with you some of the photos I took of some of the venders participating.  We all had a grand time meeting and greeting so many people who live in and around Winchester, VA.
My space!

Really sweet gal selling Tupperware

Diane Starkey, Program Mgr for AI and dear friend

I didn't get a chance to have a hand massage, but hear she was awesome

Have to will post some photos of our Sunday ride later today!!!  Have a great day and remember it's a gift from God so do something great with it!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Woke to rain but it's sunny now!

Good morning friends...we had a great weekend taking a nice drive down Rt 11 catching some of the Annual RT 11 Crawl. Our trip was short however because of the high price of gas. Look what I purchased along the way!

Hope you all have a wonderful day enjoying whatever you ya!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How is your day going?

Well we celebrated our 30th Wedding Anniversary yesterday...starting with a nice ride in the Country...then off to one of the best Seafood Buffets in the area.  Crab Legs were on the top of our list then of couse some steamed shrimp and their awesome Talapia with Cranberry sauce.  A little of this and that finished off my meal...leaving no room for dessert.  An hours ride back home found us both tired and ready to take a little walk.  

I'm getting all excited about the upcoming Craft Show August 25th and think I have everything organized just need to do some more pricing...Then I can rest and concentrate on things that need doing here at home! 

My daughter, April and her family are giving a cookout this weekend for an old friend who is coming to visit.  He expressed the desire to have MY Meatballs so that's what I'm fixing.  Perhaps a cake of somekind might be in order too...we'll see.  hehehe!!

Here are a couple photos of some jewelry done recently...take care and know you are thought of and loved not only by me, but by the ONE WHO LOVES US BEST!!!!


Friday, August 3, 2012

What a wonderful feeling!!!

Good morning! I've already been out visiting my dear friend, Diane Starkey and enjoyed a cup of coffee with her.  She's such a sweet lady, and I've know her since I think itwas 1995 when I hired on with Access Independence, a non-profit organization in Winchester who help all those with disabilities. 
I wanted to share with you all that I had "the" shot in my lower back/hip for all the pain I've been in for way too long...I knew the numbing meds would help for a time, but since I had that shop on Weds, I haven't had a bit of pain.  No kidding I had no idea it would work that fast.  Praise the Lord for His constant presence in my Life...
Will add some photos of new jewelry later today!!!
Blessings to all those who suffer with chronic pain..(((gentlehugs)))

I've drawn a new winner

Since I haven't heard from Lily I decided to draw a new winner.....and it's   Crimson Leaves..congratulation dear...hope you like it...just email me with your address and I'll get it off tomorrow!!!

Monday, July 30, 2012

And the winner of the Giveaway is.........

Drum roll,
and the winner is.....Lily from Beading Passion by Lily...congrats dear I will go post on your Blog in a few mins...but first I want to share with you how I picked the winner...

Blessings to all who entered...I will have another Giveaway soon!

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