Tuesday, February 12, 2013

We have temps up in the 50s....awesome!!!

Hello out there in Blogland. It's been difficulty lately to keep up with, and post in all the blogs I follow...but will try to this week.  It's funny how the weather is playing tricks on us...one day it's raining the next snowing, then the temp goes from in the teens up into the high 50's like today.  Sun's been coming in and out...sigh, can't wait for Spring to start...I want to see new growth popping up in the flowerbeds...the smell of those beautiful perennials makes my heart sing, how about you??  I love all the Seasons actually, but Spring is my fav.  I believe it's the new growth everywhere...a renewing of things to come...gives me so much HOPE, and Peace no only from Nature, but from our Heavenly Father Above!!

Now, I hope to share some recent photos of some birds I captured yesterday and today...Blessings for a wonderful week to come...Peace and grace to each of you!!!



Female Cardinal

Purple Finch

Woody Woodpecker


Winter Goldfinch

Tree Challenge in www.Ilovetopaint.com/bevie2u

Thursday, February 7, 2013

God's blessings in my life

Good morning, I have so much to share with you all...This past week has been filled with God's Blessings for Tuesday, (my 70th Birthday) my husband, Dewey went to the Vascular Heart Ctr at our local Hospital to have his heart shocked!!!  yes, he was scared although he truly believes God is always in control....many times our HUMAN Nature takes over and leads us to worry...not something God wants us to do.  The preparations required to do this took at least 3 hrs...His daughter, Lisa and I sat there with him listening to his Nurse, Paul Shutt describe to him all that was to take place up to the shocking of his heart.  Thinking back about 10 yrs I can remember some of what Paul shared...but things have changed over time.  Course Dewey had an abrasion last time he was in Atrial Fib.  We weren't even aware that what he was feeling was actually A'Fib..he had these symptoms, tired, shortness of breath, dizziness as well for several months however he couldn't feel his heart out of rhythm this time. 
Sooo, well into the 3 hrs they sent Lisa and I out of the room, and no sooner did we sit down the nurse came to get us...it was all over and his heart was back in Rhythm!  It then took him about 2 hrs to be ready to leave.  This is just the second time I've driven him home...eehehe!!!  Now folks I'm a good driver so I don't know why he has an aversion to me driving him..ehehehhe~~  I knew everything was going to go well, you can feel the peace of God within yourself...

I've been entering Creative Soul's monthly ATC trades, and this one for Jan/Feb was hearts or birds...well you know how much I love painting birds so of course I did a Male Cardinal in all his glory!!! hehhe
My partner was Stacey Merrill...a really sweet gal...
Have a wonderful weekend to all!!!


Saturday, January 26, 2013

More of the girls at the Retreat

It's so hard to believe this was taken so many years ago...2007...what a lovely group of ladies sharing at Nancy's Potter House Retreat

It snowed more last night

Good morning, yes it snowed a (slowly) during the night and only ended up with another 2 inches.  It's amazing how little altogether we got the past 4 days.  I've so enjoyed sitting by the fire creating some more paintings of old barns, and capturing more photos of all the birds looking for food.  

This morning I've been trying to visit as many of your blogs as I can, but know it's going to take days and hours to catch up only to start all over again.  So, I am hoping and praying all you out there are enjoying your day...whatever you are doing, creating new art, cleaning the house, or doing the best job you can wherever you might be working. 
 Take a minute to thank God for all HE does for you....where would we be if we didn't have HIS promises for everlasting life because of Christ Jesus dying for our sin on the Cross at Calvary.  Just think about it...makes goosebumps come up on my skin when I think about how enormous it is.  

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Woke to snow falling!

Woke in the middle of the night to see light snow falling...by morning we had about an inch and a half.  It was so breathtaking to see all the trees covered with an inch of snow..beautiful, white fluffy snow.  I've captured many photos of the early birds feeding off the front and back deck....yes I threw out fresh seeds...I love watching them clammer together to get their share don't you?  I hope I'm able to post some of my recent photos so you can see what I've been up to of late.  God is keeping me create some new barn paintings and making lots of Chemo hats...so if anyone needs one or two do let me know.  Most of them are winter hats...Blessings as we get near the weekend...for us here in VA we expect a sizeable snow starting late tonight into tomorrow...love you all!!!


My First cup of Coffee today
Latest barn painting on 16x20 canvas board

My own hand Zentangled!
Have a great day!!!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Had a great day!

Gee what a carefree day I had yesterday!  Got some things done around the house early then posted this painting of the first painting for Lee.  Went to the Fire Hall where about 15 ladies in our neighborhood meet the second Thursday of the month. We take turns contributing to that lunch...I need to think about doing something soon.  Edie, my neighbor across the street visited a huge pot of vegetable and beef soup, Awesome...
Then I drove to Joannes for some new yarn...making Chemo hats....a couple to our dear cousin Stacy...I have one finished and will have the other one done tomorrow. Yeppie!  From there I went next door to Big Lots...I'd always concidered it much like the Dollar Stores, but am happy to relate I found lots of goods there...This I use, but less expensive than the grocery store.   Walmart was calling to me and was my last destination...thank God..I was beginning to feel tired.

Wasn't hard to spend over $100.00 but got everything on my list....yes if I didn't create a list I'd forget was too much!!!

I finished the painting for Karen that I posted and now have as my Title Photo...it's a little different, but then I try not to do anything exactly like any I've painted...
Here it is...and I wanted to share the Sunrise I captured this morning..  I guess you noticed I changed the Title of my blog..I really wanted it to represent what I choose to post here...and since I share mostly the things I create this sounds much better...God is the one who gave me the urge and ability to paint...I"m not a Fine Arts by any means, but it's what I call, God's gift to me...
Happy Weekend to all, and a very Happy New Year...(((hugs)))  My puter won't let me post a picture right now so I'll come back later and post the painting I did for Karen and the sunrise taken today!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

We had a White Christmas

We celebrated Christ's Birthday with our family over 3 days.  Sunday our daughter, Lisa came with her family and share'd gifts and food with us for a change.  It's usually at Lisa's home.....Then Monday afternoon Dewey and I drove to April's where we were supposed to meet up with Missy and Skip.  It didn't turn out that way however cuz it started snowing so we had to start home earlier than we'd planned.  It's a shame Missy and Skip didn't get there till after we left...Next year I'm just going to have everyone at our house so we won't miss being with everyone!  I'm hoping to have Missy and Skip over in the next week...it's snowed more since last Monday...beautiful fluffy white snow covered the grounds on Christmas day, and again yesterday!  We got about 5 inches so I haven't been out today!  This is what I did with my day,
Old snow covered barn
8x10 acrylic on canvasboard

Another snow covered barn with fence on 16x20 canvasboard

Wrinkles laying on the floor with Sadieblue

Napoleon on the sofa!
The day after Christmas I got out all the great art
supplies Dewey gave me for Christmas and painted these
two paintings...he gave me new paints, brushes, and canvasboards.."smile"

Wishing everyone a very Happy and Safe New Years!!!

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