Saturday, May 19, 2012

Good morning!

Isn't it amazing how the days seem to drift by so quickly as you get older?  ehehhe!  We will be taking a little Saturday drive in a little's supposed to be sunny and's around 40 degrees right now. 
My flower bed which has half perennials and have annuals is looking pretty good because of all the rain we've had here in VA.   I don't have everything I want in my veggie garden yet, but what's there, squash, cucs, tomatoes and peppers are growing strong.  Will get some photos later today, and post them if I can find the cord to my camera...just don't know what I did with it when I changed everything around in my studio.  Yea, that memory is going south!!!
Have a great weekend folks!


Autumn Leaves said...

Wow, only 40? I would have thought you would have much warmer weather than we're having. I believe we hit 90's yesterday. I stayed in the house and then in the afternoon Michael brought out the much needed A/Cs. Hope we can one day put in central air.

Unknown said...

Actually we've had temps in the 90's too, but there's been a run on very chilly temps off and's been raining the past couple days..and again tomorrow.:(

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