Monday, November 1, 2010

Our last Saturday drive in October 2010

What a beautiful sunrise we experienced as we headed out for out last Saturday drive in Oct 2010. Can't believe it's already November can you??? That means we will be celebrating our Abba Father's birth in just about 55 day! Our trip was cut short cuz we decided to go home and tinker around the house!!! The sun was bright and winds scattered beautiful fall leaves all over the place. God provides all that beauty, and assures us of His awesome love in so many ways...have a blessed week my friends!!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Potter's House Retreat

Hearts were touched, and changed! The presence of God was felt by must go visit this awesome blog where you can decide if it's the place you'd like to visit for a couple days learning to listen to God thru Bible study! Blessings to all. I'm unable to post any photos of our weekend, but you can see some of what my sister, Mary captured.
I hope you are able to use this link to Nancy's blog.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I"m on my way!

It's 7 am and I'm ready to leave for the airport (in 2hrs) As most of you know I'm heading to GA to spend 10 days with my very talented sister, Mary. We'll have some time to get all the talking outta the way (tee hee) then we'll head out for the Potter's House Retreat in NC. We are both really excited about this lovely adventure. So I won't be posting for at least 10 days...Do have an awesome week my friends creating all kinds of things with the talent God has given you...(((hugs)))

Oh, I posted this little 3 piece set some time ago, but the photo was terrible..this one is a little better.. This too is an expression of my love for the Lord!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sharing God's beautiful landscapes

I've said it before, and can't help saying it again...Just think of what our Father in Heaven has provided for all of us. It goes beyond the beauty we see as we travel around the country, the trees, wildflowers, wildlife even the rocks, streams, and rivers! He provides all things for those who stop and listen to HIS guidance thru our Holy Spirit, and believe thru faith that HIS word gives us all the answers to our lives. He lives right inside us...just how awesome is that?? I'm feeling such joy in my heart knowing He's there and I'm finally truly listening...are you??

I've been playing around with copper again..eheheh!!! I don't know why, but there's something that draws me to it. Haven't a clue what tho...May you each have a blessed week full of Joy, Happiness, thru God's grace and Love!!! I love you too!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Just a little something I've been playing around with...

I've been making some earrings and a couple necklaces that I haven't listed anywhere yet...although they are all gemstones with Sterling Silver I'm going to put them on my etsy shop for a very reasonable price since everyone is feeling the effects of our off kilter economy right now...
Our ride today took up in the mountains of WV where we were blessed to see many yard sales (Yea) and awesome colors along the mountain gonna post some photos as soon as I download them~ Have a beautiful Sunday tomorrow!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Just wanted to say hi!!

Time has been going by faster and faster as I get older and older..ehehhe!! Sound familiar? Hubby and I have 5 grown children between us all married but the youngest. She had a tube put in her ear today so I went to meet her to make sure she was ok...we had a great lunch at Cracker Barrel. As you know my other daughter has been on her Honeymoon this week~! We have grandchildren ranging from 2 to 17! Yep, I can hardly believe the past 28 yrs has passed seeming more like 10...I'm not complaining cuz I love my family and all the grandkids, but I've been thinking lately why I'm feeling I need to be doing something more....I'm loving painting and making jewelry, but God has been speaking to me in my quiet time each more telling me I should be reaching out to others helping those in need. Since I've been home the past few years unable to work I guess I thought there was little I could really do....walking and driving is difficult at times, but I'm not complaining I just need to be doing more to share God's love with all.

Then God gave me an idea...It's perfect!!! I'm going to be going to the nursing home in town to visit those who don't have family visiting often, reading to those who can't anymore. What in the world was I think, there are so many things we can do even if we have some short comings..ehehhehe!!! So, I will go to my sister's in GA, and have a wonderful visit with her, and her family then go to the Potter's House Retreat in NC with her. When I come home I'll be doing what I do best..Visiting with others and maybe even share my art with some...I"m so excited!!! I"d love to hear what you do to serve our Lord.
Blessings for a wonderful FALL.

Here's a little painting I did a couple weeks ago but forgot to share.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Cross

Good's been raining here in VA since yesterday evening, and I am thanking my Lord for answered prayer! We are over 7 inches low in water at this time so the 3 to 5 inches we are to get in the next couple days is awesome...I wanted to share with you a little about my Faith...I had been a member of a Baptist Church where we'd lived before moving up to the mountains further north in VA...almost to the Berkeley Springs WV line. ( I believe God allowed us to find this little doublewide that's nestled down in the middle of huge old trees on 5 acres of previous posts I've share some of the remodeling we've been doing in the last 5 yrs of living here. My hubby has been amazing as he's certainly leaped out of his comfort zone by not only painting the outside, but even atempting carpentry which he had no knowledge at all. I'm proud of him! ) Now I got way off track, but hey those who know me are used to it..hehehe!! Since there wasn't a Baptist Church in our area I started attending the Wesley Chapel Methodist Church just around the corner from where we live. Then Pastor, Jim Markle is a very loving and caring Pastor who shares his love for our Lord with his's a very small Church with only about 22 members each Sunday, then he goes off to a it's sister Church a couple miles away where he shares another sermon with their larger congragation!
WELLLLL, yesterday I joined that Church for I've found the members to be loving children of God who share that love with each other and me too!!! My way of thinking is it really doesn't matter which denomonation we belong to it's the fellowship with others that counts...Bible Believing Churches who believe in sharing the Gospel with all those we come into contact with, as well as sharing what God has blessed us with along the way. We are to help those we see are in need...isn't it awesome when we reach out to give a little something to others how it not only helps them, but it makes our hearts sing too? Soooo I have painting a little painting of a cross in memorance of my joining!!! May we all reach out to help those in need for God will provide a way for us to do just that!!!
Have a wonderful week my friends waking early to have your quiet time with God...that has become the most precious time for me!!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Flowers for April's wedding

I've created a small bouquet for my daughter to carry on Oct 2nd for her family shared wedding. (They've actually already married)
I'm so happy that she's found the love of a sweet guy she's know as a friend for many years...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Had to share is awesome recipe with you all!

I have so many different recipes for yeast rolls, but haven't used them for some time now...either it's been too hot or we just don't need BREAD at dinner time..hehehe

While at the Sams' Family Reunion up in Dawthat State Park last weekend Dewey's sister, Helen brought many things but best of all were her Three-in-one Refrigrator Rolls.

Enjoy if you like really soft and fluffy rolls

2 pkgs (1/4 oz each) Active Dry Yeast
1 1/2 Cups warm water
1 Cup Warm mashed potatoes (no milk or butter in them, just plain)
2/3 Cup sugar
2/3 cup shortening
1 1/2 tsp. salt
2 eggs (beaten)
7-7 1/2 Cups all purpose flour
Melted butter

In large bowl dissolve yeast in warm water, stir in mash potatoes, sugar, shortening, salt, eggs and 5 cups of flour...beat until smooth. Stir in enough remaining flour to form firm dough. Turn on floured surface, knead till smooth and elastic, about 5-7 minutes. Place in large greased bowl, turn once to grease top. Cover & refrigerate for 8 hrs or overnight. Punch dough down, turn on lightly floured surface.
For cloverleaf rolls shape each one into 3/4" ball and place 3 together in greased muffin tin.
You can also make 4 small balls and place together in muffin tins.
For pan rolls shape each into 1 1/2 " balls place on greased 9" sq. baking pan.
Cover and let rise in warm place until doubled in size, about 1 1/2 hrs. Bake at 400 degrees for 13 - 16 minute or golden brown. Brush with little melted butter!!!

You will really love these for they melt in your mouth!!

One more photo!

Well a couple more.. Now the walls are greenish, just need to add the chair rail, and trim so the room will be's take a couple years actually to update some things...Time and ability has been the main reasons for the delay! hehehe
My hubby isn't a painter nor is he a carpenter, but I'm proud of his attempts!

Golly the older I get the faster the days in the week go by!! Can't believe it's Thursday more day and then I have my hubby all to myself for the weekend. I'm like a kid in a candy store waiting our time together...after 28 yrs it's even more important to me!!! Is it true with you as well? Do have a great day creating and praising the Lord for all He does in our lives!!! (((hugs)))

Monday, September 6, 2010

Refinishing something old, making it new!

Boy have we been busy trying to finish things we started when we first moved in here...yea, it's been 5 yrs and still there are things we haven't completed thinking we needed help from professional. We purchased trim and paneling, etc...but never had enough $$ to hire someone to complete the task. In the past year however we've discovered we can...with a little patience. Just look what my hubby in the past couple weeks. Painted the whole house, now we must do the garage and the out building which we use for storage.
We'd purchased a little buffet with a detachable hutch in dire need of sanding then refinishing...I decided I could do it, and went about sanding both pieces. I then stained it, and wa's really pretty. BUT I wanted to put it in the little dining area where I have another really great find, a square, drop leaf table. Since we put our big, round, oak table in front of the double doors and fireplace we used the old space for my was nice there, but I decided to add my work space to the spare room that houses my computer, and jewelry making table. You know keep all the "mess" in one room. hehehe
I don't have the door and draws in the buffet yet, but here's what they look like now!!

Actually this ended up matching our bedroom set so I will probably put the buffet in there, and using the top on another table in the dining area...not quiet sure where it will end up, but am happy to say I really love both pieces...and the best thing about it is we only paid $5.00 for them...yep!!! Great find!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

I"m having so much fun!

Yep, I've been doing some funky painting on little things to set on my front deck...I love the new colors of the house, but want some stricking contrast in color too..I have a plan...sure. Have to get my table and chairs from the shop so I can paint them....I thought perhaps doing the table in one color then each chair another. Sure hope my hubby far the little things I've done he really likes....we've been married 28 yrs and it's amazing how much he's changed...for the good. He was very set in his ways, but I've encouraged him to look at things differently, and surprisingly he's come out of his "one way" thinking. Now I wanted to share a couple of the birdhouses I've painted...more to come..
heheheh!!! Have an awesome day and for those who are in the path of the hurricane, please be safe...(((hugs)))

Monday, August 30, 2010

More photos of our home

Ok we've just about finished the painting on our home. I got into the act by doint all the small trim around the windows...getting up a ladder takes some effort, but I did it...weeeee. We still have the huge start that goes between the two sets of shutters in front.. Then an eagle above the front door. Once we've power washed the deck we'll re-stand it.
Isn't it a great feeling when you complete a big job especially when it turns our great??? Now to do the outbuilding and the garage...Yikes..ehehehe!!!
I'm gonna need the upcoming visit with my sister Mary...going down to GA Oct. 16th then we are gonna drive down to NC for a Christian Retreat. No feeding the dogs or more remodeling for at least 10 days..ehehehe!!! If you haven't visited my sister's awesome blog you must...she's a terrific artist and uses her visual journaling to share her love for our Abba Father. do check it out...Sure hope you all have an awesome week creating things that make you and others smile!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lookie what I found!!!

I'm happy to be apart of this awesome blog and enter in the about you???

Two posts in one day!!! :)

Here are some photos I just took of 6 hummers flying around then grabbing something to drink...they looked like they were playing tag...flying from the front to the back deck where there's another feeder..ehehhe!!! What a delight to see them everyday..I'm so blessed!!

I've been painting little ACEO/atcs this morning as well...yep I've been up since 5:30 and making good use of every minute..ehehehe!!!

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