Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I thank my Lord for the gift of creating!!

I"m sure so many of us who find pleasure in created art thank our Lord for that awesome gift...For myself I know it's not only been a very rewarding experience, but has also been a healing one...I believe God puts things in our heart to help us grow as a person, and to help us heal...yes the Bible is the most important book in our lives as a Christian, all the answers for living can be found there! I am so thankful for all that my FATHER has given me over the years...Joy comes in so many ways! When I share my painting here I'm sharing my love for God as well...for He gave me this talent. The human side of us wants to think we can accomplish anything in our own strengths, but the Bible says we must pray about it and wait for God's reply. Throughout my life I've had difficulty much easier is my life today after believing in Faith that God wants the very best for me. He loves me and you so much!!!!
Now to share some of my little paintings...Blessings for all to have a wonderful God filled week!!! I pray for your safety if you are traveling.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I love painting because

Isn't it kewl that you can actually start a painting, but if you aren't happy with it you can just gesso over it and start anew!! This 12x16 inch painting on canvasboard was the "working on" one I'd started a few days ago..the one with the big tree...not only does gesso prep our canvases, but it can create a brand new palate to work it is looking totally different..not sure it's completely finished...sometimes I tend to over work a you do that??

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Good morning!

Good morning to all those who happen by my blog. The first photo is of a little seascape done in acrylic paints I'm working on right now. The other is of a tree filled with lovely hearts...a little whimsy makes me smile does it do that to you too??

I guess I love doing Whimsical and folksy paintings the best..there's something about creating something that really makes you feel good inside, and the hopes it does the same to those who see it. I was notified just yesterday that one ov my 11x14 paints done on canvasboard sold on June 29th...couldn't believe I just found the message...I have it all ready to go out in the mail today!!! Thank you Jennifer....

This is the painting...

I pray that you all are well, and enjoying all the blessings God has given you!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

See project for Sister in the Bloggerette Sorority

Hello sisters!!! It's late I know, but hope you'll accept my little "some days are diamonds" project. Seeeeee there are little diamonds in each of the silver flowers!!! I'd say I'm rich more because of belonging to this awesome blogerette sorority than having those little diamonds..ehehehe!!! Blessings to all!!!
You can see me and my project on

Friday, June 25, 2010

Taking photos of flowers in the garden..

I love getting up close and personal when taking macros of my flowers...sure the bushes are lovely, but theres something about seeing them as an individual beauty much like each of us...we are all different which makes us unique. Beauty can be found in everything if you take the time to look...seeing a weathered face of the man that's worked his whole live outside perhaps farming bring a smile to my face. He may look weathered, but there's a wonderful spark in his eyes as he looks over the land. Gee my mind went off somewhere didn't it..ehehhehe!!! Back to my flowers...Hubby came home yesterday with 30 8" pots of discarded perennial daisies...well I can just see them next year blooming beautifully all in their own little space in the front yard. Such a shame for any perennial plant to be discarded don't you think??? I read recently where people are actually planting their yards with eatable plants instead of grass...just imagine walking out your front door, and stopping to pick several different lettuces for dinner salad. I have 3 different kinds of lettuce in pots on the front deck.

For the past 3 nights it's been up in the 90's way too hot to cook so I've prepared some awesome salads using cucs, swiss chard, lettuce all from the garden...tomatoes and squash aren't ripe yet. Add some protein (chicken,nuts,chickpees),celery,carrots,tomatoes and even olives and banana peppers and an great lite dressing makes for a wonderful dinner. Here are some photos of the flowers I was talking about..hehehhe!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Here's where I do most of my creating!

Now I say that because I have one of our spare rooms as my puter and studio...but I do create in other places too. I love going out on one of the 2 decks and paint in the sun. From the back yard I can see beyond the fence up thru all the trees...there are times I get to watch some deer coming down to visit. There's always many squirrels scurry around hunting for food. Yes, we spoil them by scattering corn. hehehe!!!
From the front porch I can see all the trees filled with many different birds all singing their awesome songs. It's amazing how some of the smallest birds have the loudest sound. We have at least 7 sets of Eastern Bluebirds nesting in verious birdhouses I've painted the placed in trees and on fence posts. I made the mistake of putting some finished birdhouses on the front deck rails...Not a good thing for my cat thought he's died and gone to heaven...even caused me to break a toe trying to keep him from getting the baby bird. No more....just have plants and hummer feeders now.. Well here are some photos of my messy space! I saw someone elses space this morning and thought it to be a grand idea...won't you share your's with us too? Blessings

Sunday, April 4, 2010

He has Risen!!

Our Lord and Savior has RISEN on a Sunday so very long ago, and we continue to celebrate His awesome sacrific!! Join me in rejoicing and praising our Savior Christ Jesus....hugs!!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

We celebrate Easter

Easter brings with it the most stirring feelings of love, joy and sadness to me. When I read the story of how Jesus dies then arises in Luke 22:14-23:56 my heart feels so much pain as I picture in my mind his suffering at our expense.

Just think God provided a way for each of us to be saved from sin to have a life with HIM in eternity....Jesus God's sacrificial Lamb. I bend to give praise for such an awesome love such as this...As Good Friday approches I pray for those who haven't yet accepted this awesome, free gift of salvation they will do it now so they will feel all the love our Father has for all those how believe. I want to wish each and everyone who come to visit me a Blessed Easter Season. (((hugs))) Bevie

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I love creating mixed media paintings...

These are two mixed media paintings using acrylic paints and done on 10x10 canvas with the wide 1.5 inch favorite size actually!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Two winners have been picked here in the OWOH giveaway!!!

I'm happy to say Linda Elbourne who's blog is has won this first prize in the One World One Heart giveaway here at my blog...Linda I will be getting in touch with you to firm up all the info I need to mail this little gem out to you!!! Congratulations to you dear..

AND.....the second winner of this little winter scene is...............
Anji Gallanos who's blog is
I will be in touch with you as well hon...I'm so happy you won it!!!

Being involved in this wonderful Blog event has brought a new meaning to Bloggers around the I had no idea there were so many but best of all the wonderful, sweet, friendly bloggers I made friends with...This has been an event I hope to be part of each year from now on....thanks Lisa for having it again this year and I hope you will continue this awesome tradition!!! You Rock Girl...
Thanks to everyone who came and added their names to my drawings. (((Hugs to all)))

Thursday, November 26, 2009

What I'm so thankful for

Today being Thanksgiving I wanted to come and share what I'm thankful for this year. It's amazing how most of what I'm thankful for doesn't change...I'm thankful for my Abba Father who came down as his son to die on that cross in Calvary for all our sins...what a terrible death that was....just think how much our God loves us to do that...just think!!!! I'm thankful for the family I have, my wonderful husband, and children we raised, and of course all our grandchildren. I'm so thankful that even tho we struggle to make ends meet like so many of our neighbors we are never without food to eat, heat to keep us warm, and a nice home....I'm thankful for my mom being here for Thanksgiving. The turkey was put in the oven around 7am so dinner will be 2 or 3...yes it's a big bird for just 3 of us, but my daughters will be here with one's kids so we will have plenty food leftover for days.
May I extend a very warm greeting to each of you who celebrate Thanksgiving, and my wish that you share your blessings with others around you...(((gentle hugs to all my online friends)))

Friday, September 11, 2009

My daughter April turns 35 tomorrow!

Well one of my daughters is having a Birthday tomorrow, and there was one thing she really wanted from me. I'd painting a seascape that my sister Mary loved so I sent it to her....later I found out that April wanted it too. Yes, I painted a new one just for her!!! I posted it in FB so she would find it...I'm so happy she did for it was exciting to here her reply!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

By golly I think I like this one!

In my last post I showed you all the original painting I'd been working on then a revised version. Brenda and Gloria were kind enough to share their thoughts on it which I totally agreed after stepping back and taking a good look at it, I think I finally like the revised revised painting..ehehhe!!!
Thanks girls for being totally honest with me! I am a self taught artist who's only been painting for about a year in ernest! I think I need to take some course in shading and such.
Now, I'd like more constructive advise if you all don't mind...that's a good way to learn...and God knows I'm learning...eheheh!!!
Have a great day!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I received the Renee Award

I was truly surprised and honored to receive the Renee award from my friend Darlene Pringle from She'd received it from a great gal, Darla from if you want to go check them both out you won't be disappointed.
I am going to pick just a couple ladies out of all the wonderful gals I've met thru their awesome blogs. Ladies with so much compation for those around them, and who share with others their love for our Lord. I know most of you deserve this award as well...(((hugs))) to each of you!!

Now those I send this to you can choose to pick as many as you like to send it to, but that's totally up to you!!!
You girls mean so much to me....

Am so happy to share this award with each of you!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Gee it's amazing....

It's amazing how I can become addicted to so many different mediums of art...In the past 4 days I've created oh about 26 little ACEO/ATCs done by doodling! Did I say I was addicted??? hehehehe!! What out cuz the minute you start you can't stop. I finally had to put them away and got out a 16X20 canvas already prepped with Gesso. Thinking since I sold one of my landscape paintings last week I'd create another not the same, but with painting sky, clouds and WATER..My husband came in and said, now that's what I call a painting..ehehehe!!! He just doesn't get Mixed Media collage things at all. Course he still things computers were the worst thing ever created. Yep, I'm married to a guy who thinks it's still the 50's hehehe!! All kidding aside, he really likes much of what I've created and doesn't have a problem with me taking up what was the dining room as my studio. There's a nice window infront of my table and everything is at my fingertips too. Gee, I was thinking this morning how much my life has changed since I started painting. When I retired I tried my hand at making jewelry and still love the feeling of creating something that's unique and one of a kind, but painting...well it's really my passion (other than my hubby and family) heheh!! I thought I'd post some pictures of my little (messy) studio then the newest painting I just finished... It's still early so I'm gonna go back and paint another landscape...I sure hope you all are having a great Saturday...Have a wonderful Sunday and remember hug someone close to you today...and tomorrow and and and...just think about all the hugs you'll get back!!! Blessings!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I had a dream

I don't usually write about dreams, but last night I woke from one in which I was a cat...yep, that's what I said, a cat!! A huge beautiful calico cat with green eyes...hummm...I wonder if that's because mine are greenish!! Anyway in this dream I was running in the woods trying to get away from a big, gruffy dog! Now I was home on the porch curled up in my little blankie catching some ZZZZZs when this big dog we shall call WOLF came up the steps sniffing all around...out of one eye I could see him coming closer and closer to me. I jumped just in time to escape his wide open jaws!!! Over the rail of the deck I jumped running as fast as lightening...surely he couldn't cat me I thought. Now, 10 minutes later I stop in my tracks cuz I've come to a fork in the road...hummm..which one should I take I thought. My intuition told me to take the road on the left as it would lead to the big barn on my owners property, but my mind said take the right cuz it will take you to the highway. I woke just as I started off on .......................................................................................................................................................................

The left path. See I'd had this dream before where I'd taken the road to the right, and ended up in traffic so thick it was a wonder I got back home at all!!! The left path took me back to the barn on our property where I'd find my owner feeding the cows. He always loved seeing me earling in the morning, and would squirt milk in my mouth!!

See it's like people...we come to a path in life where we aren't quite sure which way to go. Do we listen to what we THINK we should do, or do we stop and pray about it first. Listening to the whisper of God is sometimes not what we do is it??? I know I haven't always done that...but of late I've realized the only way to be sure of what God wants for me is to pray about it and WAIT for an answer!!! I'm thinking it's ok to take tiny steps in the right direction rather than taking huge steps backwards...what do you think???
Blessings for a bright and loving day!!!

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