Friday, October 9, 2009

Gut Art with Mystele

Inside cover

Front cover of gut art book!
What fun this Gut Art Class with Mystele is. She's challenging use to really see all that's around us...getting down to our authentic art. I'm loving the process and even finding out more about awesome it that?? ehehehe!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lookie what we have!!!

This is my hubby with all three pugs. Wrinkles is laying on the other side of the bed and little Sadie (black) is laying near Dewey! Our new guy, Napolian is standing. Napolian (I call Polo for short) is a very sweet friendly guy who loves attention. We are happy to say he and Wrinkles chase each other all over the house and yard which I'm sure will help Wrinkles lose some weight!!! How we got this gorgeous pug for free is a rather sad story for he was destine for the pound. A husband and wife decided to divorce, husband was sent back to Iraq leaving his beloved pug, Napolian behind. Wife didn't really like this little dog for she had her own BIG she decided since the were getting a divorce she's just get ride of him. Now mind ya they had this little guy for 5 yrs. Our SIL works with the wife so told us about the dog...we went over to see him and took him home that very night. We talked it over and decided even tho we've already bonded with Polo and love him we will give him back to his owner if he wants him back when he comes back from the war. It's only right that he should have him don't y0u think?? I know it will be hard when and if the time comes, but we know how we would feel if it were us over, he doesn't even know she got rid of him!!! Sad isn't it???
We will take care of him and enjoy what time we do have!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

In the moment folk illustration art

Just look at Heavenleighart's awesome art!!! I've loved Julie-Ann's art and have enjoyed her growth along the way....this is one of my favorites so had to share it with those who may not have had the pleasure of seeing it...

Friday, September 11, 2009

My daughter April turns 35 tomorrow!

Well one of my daughters is having a Birthday tomorrow, and there was one thing she really wanted from me. I'd painting a seascape that my sister Mary loved so I sent it to her....later I found out that April wanted it too. Yes, I painted a new one just for her!!! I posted it in FB so she would find it...I'm so happy she did for it was exciting to here her reply!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What an awesome day!!!

Today is much like yesterday, cool, low humitity, breezy and a glimpse of days to come! I am so thankful for being in an area where you can see all the seasons~ I can sit out on the deck and create paintings with all God's glory around me...the trees starting to fall and the sun shining down on me unlike any other light!!! Oh and the birds just singing their hearts out as I what joy this brings to my soul!!! As I take in all that beauty as my lungs take in the clear, clean and crisp air I'm reminded that I have been so totally blessed. Not with worldly things, far from it...but with the knowledge that God loves me as much as he does all of you...isn't that just the most awesome fact??? I was sitting here thinking I would like to share some of the paintings I've do lately...perhaps even some of the chunky book pages I've become so enamired with.(sp) hehehee!!! so here they are...just remember I pray that you all have a wonderful day, and if I haven't stopped by your blogs lately...I will!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My August entry for Mide Wide Open

The second photo is the prompt picture for August's challenge, so I decided to play up this little darling swinging in a real (sure) tree using an 8x10 canvas board and using acrylic paints. It's a mixed media collage with some whimsy!!!
This was really fun and I suggest if you haven't been to check out Mind Wide Open before you may just decide you'd love to join in!!!
Oh, there's a little block that says "Mind Wide Open" just click on it and it will take you there! Just let GAIL (who comes up with all these awesome challenges) you want to join in!!!!
God loves you and so do I!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My little sister, Mary!!

This is my sweet sister, Mary at the ripe ole' age of 4!!! Some of you may be following her blog and/or have met her in several of the NING Networks....if so you've seen the picture of her and the awesome smile she has. I posted this photo of her in my other blog, but wanted to share it here too...don't miss checking her awesome blog out if you haven't been there before.
Have a great rest of the week!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Here are some 4x4 cards for trading. I discovered just this week that 4x4 cards can be made in to what's called Chunky Books...I am going to make one and will share it with you went it's finished! This is really fun finding that there's more to making cards for trade! Chunky pages are thick, and have ribbons or yarns with charms attached usually on the right side of the card...this is sooooooooo much fun!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Look what my friend Marcela sent me! I can't wait to see if she like what I created for her! Do go visit Patti at her blog and see what a beautiful blog she has!!!

How sweet is this?

While washing the morning dishes I looked out the window and saw my first *family* and ran (walked) quickly to find my camera!!! What a wonderful sight to see Momma deer with her twin babies who still have their spots!!! Isn't it awesome what God brings into view if we just look? I hope you can see them thru the fence as well as I could when taking the picture!!! I'm still smiling from this awesome treat!!!

Blessings to all of you who stop by to visit. What makes you smile???

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My latest little painting

I was messing around with a 16x20 canvas adding texture by using some molding clay, papers and decided to make something a little whimsical. This is what I came up with, but I have to admit I was thinking of my dear sister Mary from and all the wonderful mixed media paintings she does. And yes, there is a hug canvas in her living room done in turquoise and RED...and it's a red bird, but her's is different, so I don't think she's going to think I've copied from her. The way I look at it is she's influenced me in a good way with her art. Can you tell I'm so very proud of Mary??? Well many of you already know her, and that we have a special bond...
Tell me what you think of this, does it need more added, like stamping of rings or perhaps a little heart hanging from a string in front of little birdie's face...I was thinking of a worm...but don't think so..eheheh!!!
Have an awesome weekend celebrating our Independence. I pray for safe travel if you will be on the roads!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

By golly I think I like this one!

In my last post I showed you all the original painting I'd been working on then a revised version. Brenda and Gloria were kind enough to share their thoughts on it which I totally agreed after stepping back and taking a good look at it, I think I finally like the revised revised painting..ehehhe!!!
Thanks girls for being totally honest with me! I am a self taught artist who's only been painting for about a year in ernest! I think I need to take some course in shading and such.
Now, I'd like more constructive advise if you all don't mind...that's a good way to learn...and God knows I'm learning...eheheh!!!
Have a great day!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I just finished

Ok here is the first 22x28 painting I did, but wasn't happy with it cuz I thought the tree was too uniformed and way too busy at the bottom. So this morning I went over it and ended up with this...When I first started painting in ernest about a year ago I would never have thought to actually go over a painting to start anew however I watched my dear sister, Mary actually GESSO over a painting of hers I thought was great and come up with something even better (if that's possible) She told me there was no right or wrong way to paint, and to make Gesso my *friend*....heheheh!!! That's exactly what I did here. Now looking at the two side by side I'm wondering if the second one has enough interest. What do you think??? Yep, I'm leaving it up to you all. Should I go back and add more color or what???
Blessings, and enjoy the rest of Sunday honoring HIM!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1st and look what I found!

The minute my feet hit the floor this morning I know it was going to be an awesome day. As I usually do I open the door to smell in the cool fresh air of early morning, and was greated by the awesome sounds of birds scurrying around gathering food for their young. One little hummer already at it's feeder on the front deck. All the while I'm smiling at what God greats most of us with each day. A brand new beginning knowing full well yesterday is gone, nothing can change that, and tomorrow well it may not be here for some, so today is a good as it gets!!! Now where did that all come mind seems to go deep into the back finding things I probably dreamed about the night before..ehehehe!!! All I'm saying is we need to make the most of each day we are given...I sure am trying. Someone reminded me the other day not to sweat the small stuff...the things we can't really do anything about. Course we know that God is always with us to lift us up, and carry us when it's needed. Today I'm feeling wonderful especially as the sun arose in the ski bringing forth all the new beauty of the day. I grabbed my camera and walked down the sidewalk to where the rose bushes line the side of our home. Yep there they were, 5 bushes all in a line each giving me their best blooms to capture! Well the yellow bush was being shy today, but I'm sure they will get over it and produce a beautiful bloom soon!
So I leave you with these beautiful pictures to enjoy...sure wish this was smelablog so you could enjoy their fragrance too!!!
love ya all...have a wonderful day!

Friday, May 29, 2009

A very special award

My dear friend Yvette Adams from gave me "Blogs that make me SMILE award the other day, thanks Yvette for making my heart smile!!!

The rules connected with receiving this lovely award are:

1. The winner many put the logo on their blog by right clicking on the image, copy then pasat to your blog post.

2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award

3. Nominate 10 blogs

4. Put a link to their blogs

5. Leave a message for your nominee's

Blogs that make me SMILE........
When I go to June's blog it makes me Smile for it's so beautiful.
Here you will find a wonderful gal named Julie-Ann. She makes me Smile whenever and wherever I see her.
Seeing all the awesome things Shelly has to share with us makes me Smile big time!
Visting Cathy's blog always puts a mile on my face! She's a real sweetie!
I wanted to add this bloz cuz Pat Winters has been the guiding force behind the Comfort Doll Project. Women all over the World make them then send them to Pat who makes sure they are sent to various "Shelters for Battered Women" all over the world. She's beautiful inside and out that's why she makes me smile!!
This blog belongs to my sweet friend, Aimee Wheaton whom I'm sure most of you know, and love her sweet spirit, and makes you smile too when you visit her lovely blog.
Oh you have to visit Diane's blog to see all her precious little people who's faces make me smile all the time!
Gloria makes me smile when I visit her blog seeing how she loves all those who come to visit too. I can count on her coming to my blog to cheer me on!
You'll have a big smile on your face once you've visited Maryann's blog. I smile as I read all the wonderful recipes she shares with us all.
Last, but not least by any means is Mystele's lovely blog. I always have a smile on my face when I visit there seeing all the magnificate creations she shares, and because she shares how she does them in videos. Such a special person!!!

Now girls come pick up your award, you deserve it!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Why I love to Blog!

Joy started this little blog party....don't forget to go visit her at

When I first started blogging I wasn't quite sure what I should write about, and was a bit afraid that no one would visit. Then I thought it's ok, I'll just start writing about my love for my Lord, and the rest is history. I never know what I'm going to write till I sit down in front of the computer, but it's like a song, it just starts flowing. I actually have two blogs, this one I share more of my art and blogs of wonderful ladies I've meet along the way. The other is a little more serious...maybe. That's what makes this all worth while, all the great gals who are so caring and funny and thoughtful.
What a blessing it's been and I look forward in meeting more as I pop in to visit more bloggers!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I received the Renee Award

I was truly surprised and honored to receive the Renee award from my friend Darlene Pringle from She'd received it from a great gal, Darla from if you want to go check them both out you won't be disappointed.
I am going to pick just a couple ladies out of all the wonderful gals I've met thru their awesome blogs. Ladies with so much compation for those around them, and who share with others their love for our Lord. I know most of you deserve this award as well...(((hugs))) to each of you!!

Now those I send this to you can choose to pick as many as you like to send it to, but that's totally up to you!!!
You girls mean so much to me....

Am so happy to share this award with each of you!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

More comfort dolls

These are the Comfort Dolls I finished yesterday, and there are two more just about ready to add. I just wanted to tell you a little about these because anyone can join us by creating your own design then sending them to Pat Winters. You can find out all about them by going here:

Monday, March 23, 2009

What a lovely surprise!!

I can't tell you how surprised and pleased I was to received any emial this morning from telling me I'd won the March *Positive Person* award. I remember sharing some thoughts and one of my favorite journal pages with them...but never in my wildest dreams thought I'd win anything. I'm honored and thrilled...and what a great prize...journaling goodies...if you get a chance drop by and check them out!!!
Bevie is smiling from ear to ear!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A little award for you.

“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”Now I pass this award on to the following great blogs:

Thank you Betty of Betty Beads for this lovely little award!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

It's the end of the week again.

Here are a couple more paintings I did this week! It's been a beautiful day with temps in the high 60's and a gentle breeze. A great day to clean out all the birdhouses I painted, and put on fence posts around the yard last year. Many birds nested in them so we are hoping they come back. What surprised me most was having 3 different sets of Eastern Bluebirds cuz we hadn't seen many around here. One set built a nest in the bluebird house on the rail of our front deck. I did see a field of Robins last week which to me signifies Spring is just around the corner! LOL
Tomorrow we will probably move the raised beds from out front to the back yard where I'll have better access to them, and instead of 3 we'll soon have 6. Just think of all the fresh veggies we'll have all summer with some to share, and some to can!!!

The date is set, I'll be leaving out of Dulles Airport destine for visit my sister, Mary for a whole week. Can't wait either!!

Do have a wonderful blessed weekend, and remember to set your clocks forward tomorrow night!!!
Spring Forward and Fall Backwards that's the only way I can remember..eheheheh!!!


Monday, March 2, 2009

Your rainbow is intensely shaded red, violet, and green.


What is says about you: You are a passionate person. You feel strong ties to nature and your mood changes with its cycles. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you've mastered it.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

I found this little quiz on which just happens to be my sister, Mary's blog. If you haven't visited her you are missing an awesome blog!!!

A little award for a PEACH of a gal!!!

While visiting Suzanne on her lovely blog
I spied this darling little Peachy award and thought I have to share that with my dear sweet sister who lives in GA and is sure a Peach to me!!!
Thanks Suzanne for allowing me to take this award and give it to Mary.

You should stop by and visit Suzanne's lovely blog!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

I'd love to hear your comments on these!

These are a few painting I've done this week, and for many you've probably seen them in one of my Newtworks or on flickr. Even so I was wondering what you thought about them, and don't be bashful, I can take it!!! I also started doodling cuz you can do that like journaling, anywhere, while watching TV or even riding in a car!
I love doing mixed media collage, but I think my first love is doing landscapes. I'm working on two night scenes...will post them over the weekend...speaking of the weekend, sure hope you have a great one, we plan to just stay close to home cuz it's supposed to snow...Yep, it's in the 60's today, and and some showers!!! Share with me what you are working on. I love seeing all your art, and if I'm not a friend on your flickr please let me know so I can go take a peek...
Blessings and stay safe!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Gee it's amazing....

It's amazing how I can become addicted to so many different mediums of art...In the past 4 days I've created oh about 26 little ACEO/ATCs done by doodling! Did I say I was addicted??? hehehehe!! What out cuz the minute you start you can't stop. I finally had to put them away and got out a 16X20 canvas already prepped with Gesso. Thinking since I sold one of my landscape paintings last week I'd create another not the same, but with painting sky, clouds and WATER..My husband came in and said, now that's what I call a painting..ehehehe!!! He just doesn't get Mixed Media collage things at all. Course he still things computers were the worst thing ever created. Yep, I'm married to a guy who thinks it's still the 50's hehehe!! All kidding aside, he really likes much of what I've created and doesn't have a problem with me taking up what was the dining room as my studio. There's a nice window infront of my table and everything is at my fingertips too. Gee, I was thinking this morning how much my life has changed since I started painting. When I retired I tried my hand at making jewelry and still love the feeling of creating something that's unique and one of a kind, but painting...well it's really my passion (other than my hubby and family) heheh!! I thought I'd post some pictures of my little (messy) studio then the newest painting I just finished... It's still early so I'm gonna go back and paint another landscape...I sure hope you all are having a great Saturday...Have a wonderful Sunday and remember hug someone close to you today...and tomorrow and and and...just think about all the hugs you'll get back!!! Blessings!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Much to my surprise...

Many of us had the pleasure of taking the Journalism 101 class with Pam Carriker. From the very beginning we knew this class was not only gonna be filled with awesome tips and techniques, but we were instantly aware Pam had this great way of making us feel very much at ease. She used video, script and visual pages to show each step, and I for one came away with the knowledge that I could really create a great page.

Pam asked each of us to comment on how we thought the class went, and if there were any suggestions as to how she could improve on it..NOT!! She said she would ramdomly pick one person from those who left a comment a free pass for the *Shades of Grey* class coming up. Oh how I wanted to take that class but just couldn't justify spending the money right now. Image my surprise when Pam emailed me to let me know I won that free pass. I went running into the other room to share this great news with my hubby who was very happy for me!

Many of you who visit my blog know my sweet sister,Mary. I emailed her with the good news before heading off to bed. Today I received an email from her asking me when the class would start. I emailed her back and told I wasn't sure. Well she found out, AND told me not to worry about purchasing any of the supplies needed for the class cuz she's already contacted Gil, and ordered everything for me. There I was sitting at my puter. tears streaming down my face as I tried to type. I just don't know how to thank her for caring so much!! She is indeed the wonderful, sweet,caring woman you all have come to know here.

I'm gonna close by saying I pray for all those who have expressed the need, and for those I've met here too. God knows your needs. Do go about your tomorrow with love in your heart and a song on your tongue...give a greeting and a smile to those you happen to meet in your travels for you never know if it could just be what someone needed at that very moment. I thank you for coming to see my blog and if you need to talk just contact me...(((Hugs)))

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I had a dream

I don't usually write about dreams, but last night I woke from one in which I was a cat...yep, that's what I said, a cat!! A huge beautiful calico cat with green eyes...hummm...I wonder if that's because mine are greenish!! Anyway in this dream I was running in the woods trying to get away from a big, gruffy dog! Now I was home on the porch curled up in my little blankie catching some ZZZZZs when this big dog we shall call WOLF came up the steps sniffing all around...out of one eye I could see him coming closer and closer to me. I jumped just in time to escape his wide open jaws!!! Over the rail of the deck I jumped running as fast as lightening...surely he couldn't cat me I thought. Now, 10 minutes later I stop in my tracks cuz I've come to a fork in the road...hummm..which one should I take I thought. My intuition told me to take the road on the left as it would lead to the big barn on my owners property, but my mind said take the right cuz it will take you to the highway. I woke just as I started off on .......................................................................................................................................................................

The left path. See I'd had this dream before where I'd taken the road to the right, and ended up in traffic so thick it was a wonder I got back home at all!!! The left path took me back to the barn on our property where I'd find my owner feeding the cows. He always loved seeing me earling in the morning, and would squirt milk in my mouth!!

See it's like people...we come to a path in life where we aren't quite sure which way to go. Do we listen to what we THINK we should do, or do we stop and pray about it first. Listening to the whisper of God is sometimes not what we do is it??? I know I haven't always done that...but of late I've realized the only way to be sure of what God wants for me is to pray about it and WAIT for an answer!!! I'm thinking it's ok to take tiny steps in the right direction rather than taking huge steps backwards...what do you think???
Blessings for a bright and loving day!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Comfort Dolls

These are the comfort dolls I've made and sent to Pat Winters if anyone wants to join in this all year round project just click the Doll Icon and it will take you right to the site!!! Take a peek around there!!!

Mary's awesome blog

My favorite blogs

God's Word

Lookup a word or passage in the Bible
Include this form on your page